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Although a product brochure in the office listed mephedrone, ms. Wang denied that the company ever sold illegal drugs. Mephedrone , which also has street names including meow (after its shortened chemical name mm-cat), is cheap, easy to buy, and doesn't come with the risk of a criminal record. Get mephedrone best quality drugs west midlands. Of the 150 respondents to the 2010 survey, 95 (63%) reported that they had continued to use mephedrone since the law had changed. It said they were aware of users' "Reviews" of their experiences posted on forums, detailing what cocktail of drugs they have taken and its effects. It comes in the form of tablets or a powder, which users can swallow, snort or produce similar effects to mdma, amphetamines, and cocaine. Chinese websites, the source of Buy heroin online compound drugs, offer one kilogram of mephedrone for £1,600. Once chinese suppliers learned how to make it themselves, the drug was flooded into europe as a cheap